Crisis and Conflict in Agriculture

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Agriculture, Conflict and the Agrarian Question in the 21st Century / Rachel Bahn and Rami Zurayk -- Geopolitics, Food and Agriculture / Eckart Woertz -- Climate Change and Conflict: Agriculture, Migration and Institutions / Martin Smidt and Ole Magnus Theisen -- Water, Agriculture and Conflict: Global, National and Local Analysis of Conflict in MENA, sub-Saharan Africa and the United States / Martin Keulertz -- Illegal Drug Plant Cultivation and Armed Conflicts: Case Studies from Asia and Northern Africa / Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy -- Remote Sensing and GIS-based Technologies for Assessing the Impact of Conflict on Agricultural Production / Hadi Jaafar -- The 'Arab Spring' in North Africa: Egypt and Tunisia / Ray Bush -- Degraded Capital Formation: the Achilles' Heel of Syria's Agriculture / Linda Matar -- Crisis and Agricultural Change in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, 1980s-2010s: an Interdisciplinary Approach / Lina Eklund and Katharina Lange -- Yemen's Agricultural World: Crisis and Prospects / Max Ajl -- Farming for Freedom: the Shackled Palestinian Agricultural Sector / Alaa Tartir -- Games without Frontiers: Development, Crisis and Conflict in the African Agro-Pastoral Belt / Michele Nori and Edoardo Baldaro -- Border Change and Conflict in Central Asia: the Case of Agro-Pastoral Communities in Cross-Border Areas of the Ferghana Valley / Asel Murzakulova and Irรฉne Mestre -- Conflict and Resistance in Southern Punjab: a Political Ecology of the 2010 Floods in Pakistan / Ali Nobil Ahmad -- India: Rural Roots of Naxalite-Maoist Insurgency / Archana Prasad -- Agrarian Transition, Adaptation and Contained Conflict in Cambodia and Vietnam since the 1990s / Christophe Gironde -- Beyond Displacement by Armed Conflict: the Relationship Between Environmental, Economic and Armed Displacement in Colombia / Carolina Castro Osorio and Edinso Culma -- Prior Consultation and the Defence of Indigenous Lands in Latin America / Marcela Torres Wong -- The Political Mediation of Indigenous Land Conflicts in Argentina / Matthias vom Hau -- The Role of Land Reform in Rural Development: Promoting Productivity or Democracy? / Matthew Hoffman.

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Dr. Rami Zurayk is professor and chairperson of the Department of Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, American University of Beirut, where he has been on the faculty since 1991. He is on the High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security, a select panel of academics informing global strategic research on the topic of food and nutrition security; and as a member of the Conflicts and Protracted Crisis Working Group of the Civil Society Mechanism of the Committee on Food Security. Eckart Woertz is a senior research fellow at CIDOB, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs and scientific advisor to the Kuwait Chair at Sciences Po in Paris. Formerly he was a visiting fellow at Princeton University, director of economic studies at the Gulf Research Center (GRC) in Dubai and worked for banks in Germany and the United Arab Emirates. He is author of Oil for Food (Oxford University Press 2013), co-editor of The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Middle East and North Africa (Routledge 2016) and has published numerous journal articles on development issues in the Middle East. He holds a PhD in economics from Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg. Rachel Bahn is the coordinator of the Food Security Program and an instructor of agribusiness at the American University of Beirut. Previously she was based in Washington, DC where she served as an economist with the United States Department of Treasury and the United States Agency for International Development. She holds degrees from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and from Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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