Stacey is a sports agent who has earned her career status through hard work and clean living. Cole Winslow is potentially the most talented basketball star Stacey has ever managed, but the guy doesn't have the heart for the game. He's good, but he could absolutely be better.
When Stacey suggests he take the summer and work on his fundamentals, he essentially tells her to shove it. He's great and he'll continue to be great, but when a major slip up in a game costs his team the win, Cole starts to wonder if Stacey was right after all. He seeks her out and promises that his attitude has changed. The two spend considerable time alone together and as life normally does it turns their mutual attraction into something much more than that.
Stacey is away on other business when she gets some rather life altering news. This career business woman must decide whether to tell Cole about the unexpected surprise, or deal with it herself. And what does that exactly mean? For a woman who never considered children, is being a single mother something she can live with? Does it automatically make her a failure? What about Cole's role in the child's life?