Cross the Line: Exes and Affairs

Three in a Book Ibhuku elingu-6 · James Grieve Press
Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo aziqinisekisiwe  Funda Kabanzi

Mayelana nale ebook

Sometimes you're desperate to get out, to escape from a relationship that has gone its course. And sometimes you're irresistibly draw to return... Tempted? Go on, cross that line: three explicit stories of exes, affairs and breaking the rules to fuel your wildest fantasies!

Forbidden Fruit
Tell me: am I a bitch? Am I a double-crossing slut? No. On second thoughts, don't tell me. I know the answer. New girl Katie had been keeping her husband under wraps. Maybe she knew all along that I'm a bitch, a slut - maybe that's why she'd been hiding him away. What we did that night was wrong, I know. But once you've tasted forbidden fruit, is there ever any going back?

XXX with my Ex
What would you do if you walked in on someone having sex? What if it was your ex, a man who still had the power to make you wet with eye contact alone? What if it was your ex with one of your best friends? Bestselling author Polly J Adams revisits her own past and tells you exactly what she did.

Sex by the Pool
When Stacey takes her new boyfriend on holiday with a group of old friends she realises pretty quickly that it's a mistake. She doesn't want to be stuck on an island hotel with a man who is rapidly becoming her ex. But when one of her friends shows a surprising level of understanding and sensitivity, she learns that he's always had a thing for her. Maybe this holiday hasn't been such a mistake after all.

Mayelana nomlobi

Polly J Adams comes from a comfortably middle-class background, brought up in Surrey, England, by a mother heavily involved in charity work and a father who was a high-flier in the financial world before he retired. Bit of a shame for them that she writes about sex, then!

As well as writing scripts for adult movies, Polly is a bestselling Amazon author. Her works include the Girls’ Club series, The Billionaires’ Sex Club, and Wings of Desire, the story of a young woman’s relationship with the wealthy owner of a New England sex club.

Writing under other names, PJ Adams is a successful romance novelist, with several novels published by major publishing houses and optioned for movies. Her novels – love stories with that added heat – include the international bestsellers Let’s Make This Thing Happen and Trust.

You can find out more about Polly and her writing at


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