Eugene has crossed into the Beings' world, a place of technological wonder. Together with Ruben, she seeks to return to Bhesar, but they are forced to stay at the Union of Central Province. Here, they soon discover that behind the pristine facade lies a brutal hierarchical system, one that puts the lower-ranked officers at the mercy of their superiors. And it is through this system that the Beings hope to trap Eugene and Ruben into staying at the Province forever . . .
Keywords: young-adult fantasy, YA fantasy, teen and young-adult book, fantasy series, romance, YA romance, young-adult romance, YA book, YA ebook, institute, boarding school, special abilities, training, action, YA coming of age, teachers, alpha cool students, doppelganger, parallel world, wolf, telepathy
I enjoy writing young-adult fiction and short stories. When not writing, I spend hours reading, surfing the Internet, or watching Pororo the Little Penguin with the ever-demanding niece.ย
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