Unit-2 Partial order relation, partially ordered sets, totally ordered sets. Hasse diagram, maximal and minimal element, first and last element. Lattice—definition and examples, dual lattice, bounded lattice, distributive lattice, complemented lattice.
Unit-3 Graph—Definition, type of graphs, Subgraphs, walk, path, circuit, connected and disconnected graphs. Euler graph. Hamiltonian path and circuit, shortest path in weighted graph. Dijkstra's Algorithm for shortest paths.
Unit-4 Tree and its properties, Rooted tree, Binary tree, Spanning tree, Rank and nullity of a graph. Kruskal's Algorithm and Prim's Algorithm.
Unit-5 Matrix representation of graphs—Incidence and Adjacency matrix. Cutset and its properties, Planar graphs (definition) Kuratowski's two graphs.