Since the Apostles and others made reference to the Septuagint (the first translation of the Hebrew Bible) in their quotations to establish the authority of Scripture, so also does author D. E. Didymus canvass this ancient work by comparing the Greek texts of the Septuagint and the New Testament. The Septuagint is translated from the most ancient and surviving Hebrew scrolls of the Torah.
D. E. Didymus retired from the US Navy after serving aboard five aircraft carriers, encompassing tours from Vietnam to Operation Desert Storm. After retiring, he attended Central Baptist College in Conway, Arkansas, where he graduated cum laude, earning a BA. In addition to other honors, he was inducted into the “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” and nominated for induction in the “Who’s Who Among Professionals.” He was awarded the title “All American Scholar” by the United States Achievement Academy, appointed as charter member of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society, and received multiple appointments to the Central Baptist College President’s List and the National Dean’s List.