Current Topics in Bioenergetics, Volume 9 presents the theoretical, thermodynamic perspective of energy transducing reactions. This book provides a detailed kinetic analysis of a specific aspect of an ion pump. Organized into seven chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the quantitative relations between measurable parameters of energy-transducing systems. This text then examines the probes for intracellular pH determination, which stimulate the development of additional methods and their application in pathology and pharmacology. Other chapters consider studies with isolated proteins or protein complexes derived from the membranes. This book discusses as well the chemistry of photosynthesis and oxidative phosphorylation. The final chapter deals with the advances in the use of photo affinity labeling in the study of the structure of ligand sites on proteins, which became possible only in conjunction with the development of methods for the isolation of peptides and their sequence determination. This book is a valuable resource for biologists and biochemists.