This comprehensive book provides guidelines for maximizing plastics proc essing efficiency in the manufacture of all types of products, using all types of plastics. A practical approach is employed to present fundamental, yet comprehensive, coverage of processing concepts. The information and data presented by the many tables and figures interrelate the different variables that affect injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, thermoforming, compression molding, reinforced plastics molding, rotational molding, re action injection molding, coining, casting, and other processes. The text presents a great number of problems pertaining to different phases of processing. Solutions are provided that will meet product per formance requirements at the lowest cost. Many of the processing variables and their behaviors in the different processes are the same, as they all in volve basic conditions of temperature, time, and pressure. The book begins with information applicable to all processes, on topics such as melt soft ening flow and controls; all processes fit into an overall scheme that re quires the interaction and proper control of systems. Individual processes are reviewed to show the effects of changing different variables to meet the goal of zero defects. The content is arranged to provide a natural progres sion from simple to complex situations, which range from control of a sin gle manual machine to simulation of sophisticated computerized processes that interface with many different processing functions.