Prof. dr. Barcelo Damia, Director of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) and Professor at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA), Barcelona, Spain. His expertise is in water quality assessment and management, fate, risk and removal of emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants and analysis, fate and risk of emerging contaminants and nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. He published over 900 papers, 200 book chapters and has h index 91. He was a coordinator of several national and EU projects and at the moment he coordinates two EU projects: GLOBAQUA, on multiple stressors in the aquatic environment and SEA-on-a-CHIP, on the development of sensor technolgies for emerging contamaints in marine aquaculture. He is CoEditor in Chief of the journal Science of Total Environment and the book series Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, both form Elsevier..
Marinella Farré, CSIC - Instituto de Diagnostico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua (IDAEA), Barcelona, Spain. Dr Marinella Farré has a PhD in Chemistry from University of Barcelona (Dec.2003), and Research scientist, permanent staff at IDÆA-CSIC from (Jul. 2008). She has more than 150 scientific papers in journals of SCI (H-index of 49), 22 book chapters and she has co-Editor of a book. She has supervised 3 PhD Thesis and currently is the supervisor of 4 on-going more. She is involved in the study of the occurrence and impact of organic micropollutants in the environment by chromatography coupled to advanced mass spectrometry approaches as well as the development and applications of new biological tools such as biosensors. She was involved in 30 Research projects with national and EU funds. She was the coordinator of the EU Sea-on-a-Chip EU project and the national projects Integra-Coast and Nano-Transfer. Currently, she is involved in the projects NaToxAq (IP), Globaqua (participant), Nano-Transfer (IP) and Plas-Med (Coordinator).