DAN McINTYRE is Senior Lecturer in English Language at the University of Huddersfield, UK. His research interests are in literary and non-literary stylistics, corpus linguistics, and the history of the English language. He has published numerous articles on a range of international journals including Language and Literature, ICAME Journal, Style, Journal of Literary Semantics and the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. He is the author of Point of View in Plays (John Benjamins, 2006) and History of English: A Resource Book for Students (Routledge, 2008). He is currently working (with Leslie Jeffries) on a book on stylistics for Cambridge University Press.
BEATRIX BUSSE is an Assistant Professor and teaches English Linguistics at the Anglistisches Seminar at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany. She studied English and History at Osnabrueck and Keele(UK) and was a visiting researcher in Birmingham (UK), Stratford (UK), and Lancaster (UK). She has been a visiting fellow of the British Academy (2007). Her scholarly interests include the History of English, (historical pragmatics), Systemic-Functional Grammmar, Shakespeare Studies, stylistics, narratology, ecolinguistics, as well as e-learning and e-teaching. She has published articles in a range of international journals, such as Language and Literature, Journal of Historical Pragmatics and Journal of Literary Semantics. Her doctoral dissertation is an investigation of Vocactive Constructions in the Language of Shakespeare and was published with Benjamins in 2006. One of her current research projects, in which she is cooperating with Prof. Mick Short from Lancaster University (UK) is on speech, writing and thought presentation in 19th century English texts.