Dana R. Lynn grew up near Chicago, IL, but now lives in rural PA with her husband, three children, and enough animals to start a petting zoo. She works as a teacher for the Deaf and hard of hearing during the day, and writes in the evening. Crafting stories all her life, she is often seen jotting down ideas wherever inspiration strikes. You can contact Dana at www.facebook.com/WriterDanaLynn or www.danarlynn.com.
Award winning author Virginia Vaughan was born and raised in Mississippi and has never strayed far from those borders. Blessed to come from a large, Southern family, her fondest memories include listening to stories recounted by family and friends around the large dinner table. She was a lover of books even from a young age, devouring gothic romance novels and stories of romance, danger, and love. She soon started writing them herself. Connect with Virginia at virginiavaughanonline.com.
Connie Queen spent her life in Texas where she met and married her high-school sweetheart. Together they’ve raised eight children and are enjoying their grandchildren. As a child, Connie remembers her mom and sisters reading, but she preferred to be outside. It wasn't until later, she found the joy of being whisked away into another world. Today she resides in Texas with her husband, and Murphy, her great Dane, where she’s working on her next suspense.