Policy Matters: Perspectives, Procedures, and Processes demystifies policy, exploring how it may truly be transformative in combatting hegemonic and neoliberal incursions into the educational arena. The traditional theory / practice divide is overcome here, uniquely, as educational policy is united with educational reality to empower educators, education stakeholders, and citizens to use policy, policy development, and policy initiatives for the betterment of society as a whole.
Dr. David C. Young is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Education at St. Francis Xavier University, Director of the Frank McKenna Centre for Leadership, and a Resident Fellow of the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government.
Dr. Robert E. White began his teaching career in 1972, and since 2003, has been a member of the Faculty of Education at St Francis Xavier University, where he currently holds the position of Senior Research Professor.
Dr. Monica A. Williams previously served as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at St. Francis Xavier University, and a school and system leader in the public education system of Nova Scotia.