David Coen is Professor of Public Policy in the School of Public Policy at University College London (UCL). Prior to joining UCL he held appointments at the London Business School and Max Planck Institute in Cologne and was awarded a PhD at the European University Institute in Florence. In recent years he has been a Fulbright distinguished scholar at the Centre for European Studies at Harvard University, and visiting fellow at Boston University, Nuffield College Oxford University, and Max Planck Institute, Bonn. He is the Chair of the International Political Studies Association (IPSA) Research Committee on Business and Government, a board member of the European Centre for Public Affairs, and a member of the editorial board of Business Strategy Review. He has held grants from the British Academy, European Union, Fulbright Foundation, London University and Anglo-German Foundation. His research is firmly embedded in the development of models and processes of EU public policy and regulatory reform. Jeremy Richardson has held chairs of Political Science at the Universities of Strathclyde, Warwick, Essex, and Oxford. He is a recognised authority in the fields of comparative public policy and the EU policy process and has published widely over a period of more than forty years. He founded The Journal of European Public Policy in 1992 and continues to edit the Journal, based at the National Centre for Research on Europe, at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He also remains an Emeritus Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He was co-editor, with Sonia Mazey, of the very successful 1993 volume on Lobbying in the EC, of which this new volume is the successor.