Are you stressed, feeling drained and exhausted from giving too much in your relationships?
Do you know who you are? What you need? What you like? Or do you feel that you need to be validated and approved by a partner (or any other person) to feel good about yourself?
If your life has been overshadowed by an addiction, trauma or toxic shame, you are probably fighting with an invisible enemy; an enemy that is particularly difficult to vanquish: codependency.
Codependency is notoriously difficult to combat because there is no precise definition of the disorder. The signs and symptoms also differ for everyone. It is often mistaken for narcissism or other personality disorders that do not reflect the true situation.
Experts say that it is a pattern of behavior in which a person finds themselves dependent on someone else's approval for their self-esteem and identity.
People who suffer from this disorder tend to mask what they really feel. At other times, they are not even aware of what they are doing. This only serves to cloud the overall picture by delaying positive interventions, which, sometimes will never come.
• You are not aware of how you truly feel.
• You have difficulty identifying your feelings.
• You have difficulty expressing your feelings.
• You tend to minimize, modify or even deny the reality of what you feel.
• You tend to worry and/or fear how others may respond to how you feel.
• You give power over your feelings to others.
Does this sound familiar to you?
• Focus his or her attention on pleasing you.
• Focus his or her attention on protecting you, even when it is not necessary.
• Focus his or her attention on solving your problems.
• Focus his or her attention on relieving your pain.
• Focus his or her attention on manipulating you (forcing you to do things his or her way).
There are numerous other situations that are listed in this book. Knowing the right information allows you to limit any damage by avoiding unnecessary suffering.
Everyone seems to know a couple relationship in which one partner seems to be more involved than the other and tries to get their love and care by satisfying their needs. They try to control their partner's behavior through such subtle manipulation techniques, and the partner will often not even notice.
They make endless and complicated dances around problems, but what they never do is establish a sincere and healthy connection.
Listen to those who understand this problem and have experienced the dynamics just listed.
Inquire: read, watch videos and access people who have the skills to alleviate the destructive damage that unstable parents can create.
This manual offers support not only to those who are codependent, but also gives useful advice to partners, family and friends on how to reduce the discomfort and suffering of their loved one, with sections written especially for them. This complete approach makes this manual a milestone of its kind.
Act now before it's too late
If a codependent denies his destructive behavior, he can pass it on to his children. If the child does not realise the behavioural model of the parents, and its negative impact, it will generate the same patterns as an adult. An endless cycle can be established.
Commit to breaking this cycle and regain control of your life.
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