China is taking control of the Fourth Industrial Revolution—the economy of artificial intelligence and quantum computing—just as America dominated the Third Industrial Revolution driven by the computer. Long in planning, China’s scheme erupted into public awareness when it emerged as the world leader in 5G internet. America is on track to become poor, dependent, and vulnerable—unless we revive the American genius for innovation. Trade wars and tech boycotts have failed to slow China’s plans.
David P. Goldman watched China unfold its imperial plan from the inside, as an investment banker in China and strategic consultant, and as a principal of a great Asian news organization, the Asia Times. This is an eyewitness, firsthand account of the biggest turning point in world affairs since the Second World War, with a clear explanation of what it means for America and for you—and what America can do to remain the world’s leading superpower.
David P. Goldman has written the “Spengler” column for Asia Times for twenty years. An award-winning Wall Street strategist, he has advised the US National Security Council, the Department of Defense, and institutional investors globally. He is president of Macrostrategy LLC, a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a past fellow of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and the Middle East Forum, among other institutions. His book How Civilizations Die appeared in 2011.