Wilber's system is best summed up in his statement, "I have one major rule: Everybody is right. More specifically, everybody – including me – has some important pieces of truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace."
It is exactly this sentiment that underlies the New Age hegemony of relativism and subjectivism, of everyone having their own experiences, their own path, their own truth. In such a system, it becomes impossible for people to reach the one, absolute, objective truth of existence which grounds everything.
In order to reach the Truth, the task is not to pretend to people that they are all right, but to show where they have gone wrong, where they have strayed from reason and logic, where they have succumbed to irrationalism via emotionalism, sensory empiricism, faith, and mysticism.
Wilber adopts a fully irrationalist stance when he claims that the "enlightened" are what he calls "trans-rational", i.e. they have somehow transcended reason and logic and thus reached the zone, according to Wilber, where they can apprehend Absolute Reality.
In fact, Absolute Reality, insofar as it is intelligible, is nothing but the expression of the Principle of Sufficient Reason and its corollary, Occam's razor. How do we eliminate the infinite wrong answers to existence and reach the one, infallible right answer to existence? It's simplicity itself. The answer to existence is the simplest and most rational possible. Any answer that is not rational is irrational, hence false. Any answer that is not the simplest is wrong because reality would never privilege complexity over simplicity. Reality necessarily follows the path of least resistance, the most economic path. It does not know how to introduce superfluous, needless and pointless complexity.
You will never understand the answer to existence if the "answer" you support is against rationalism and against rational simplicity.
David Sinclair is a polemicist. The game is to be incendiary, to rouse people from their complancency.