----A step by step guide for Professional Indie Writers and authors, from final draft to publication and launch marketing. This handbook covers publishing / Self-Publishing, editing, cover, and design resources dedicated to moving writers out of the "self-Publishing" associated with vanity presses and into the world of professional Indie writing--the world of Independently self-published authors
— Florida Authors and Publishers Association, HOW-TO Book of the Year: Bronze Medallion
.... With a Foreword by Mel Jolly! --David Wind is a Hybrid author with 40 books of fiction published both Traditionally and Independently. He is a member of the Authors Guild, The Mystery Writers of America, The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and Novelists Inc, and is the President of the Florida Chapter of the MWA for 2020.
TAGS: Writing Skills, Indie Writing, Self-publishing guides. publishing guides, Book Publishing Industry, Independent Writing, independent Publishing, self Publishing, Creativity Self-Help, Publishing & Books, Media & Communications Industry, Fiction Writing Reference, Writing Skill Reference, Web Marketing, Business Writing Skill, Writing Skills in Advertising, Nonfiction Writing Reference, Genre Fiction Writing Reference, Education Research, Writing Skills in Advertising
International award winning author David Wind, has published 40 novels Including Mystery & Suspense Thrillers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Contemporary Fiction. He lives and writes in Boynton Beach.
A Hybrid Traditional and Independent Author, David left traditional publishing in 2008, to become an independently published writer. He published Angels In Mourning, a contemporary take on the old-style noir detective books of the 50’s. Angels In Mourning won the Amazon.com Book of the Month Reader’s Choice Award.
David’s Contemporary Fiction novel, published in December of 2017, and based on the Harry Chapin Song, A Better Place To Be, is a B.R.A.G. medallion Honoree and received the Bronze Award for Literary Excellence from Irelands prestigious DD International Awards; and,
David’s Links
David’s website: http://www.davidwind.com
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Twitter: @david_wind
Facebook: authordavidwind
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