Antonio Brice is a writer and owner of Ikari Press. His published work includes the supernatural comic series BRAND as well as Fame and Daym Drops Super Official
Caanan White has worked in the comic industry for over 15 years and has worked for Marvel, DC Comics, and Image.
Noted works include Harlem Hellfighters, Uber, Brand and Son of Shaolin.
Daymon Scott "Daym" Patterson, better known as Daym Drops, (born September 24, 1977) is an American food critic, YouTube celebrity, rapper, and television presenter. He initially gained popularity on the video-sharing site YouTube for his video review of a Five Guys takeout meal, which spawned a viral online song by The Gregory Brothers. He hosted Best Daym Takeout, a food-review oriented television program on the Travel Channel, based on him and with certain aspects borrowed from his YouTube channel, which aired in 2013. Daym has appeared in national commercials for McDonalds, Taco Bell, Popeye's, and Burger King. In 2021 his show Fresh, Fried, and Crispy premiered on Netflix to critical acclaim and stayed in Netflix's top 10 shows for 3 consecutive weeks earning 4 Emmy nominations.