Emzy Strong
This is one amazing ending. So many things happened. So many enemies ooze out of the woodwork right at a time when Sookie is struggling emotionally. This was one crazy ride. Very intense emotions coming from the favorite characters in this story. I loved getting to see what happened to my favorite little town in Louisiana. I cried, I laughed, and I screamed a little. This is such an amazing book.
A Blaze
Followed this series for many years and developed a LOVE/HATE relationship with Harris and her heroine. While I lost my enthusiasm for these books many installments ago, I am surprised I wasn't totally disappointed by this finale. Not perfect, by any means, but it felt real. I much prefer this conclusion to the other possible outcomes. Would have liked a more detailed account of what becomes of the major characters, but maybe she was smart to leave those endings to our imaginations.
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Niki Toy
The seris in general is a bit fluffy compared to my other favorites ex laurell k hamilton. But not a bad read. The last book is a bit dismissive of all the main characters, the end between sookie and eric is diluted, with no real closure. The start with sam is fleeting, he was more of a presence in books that had less to do with him. Her stlye and attitude is un-sookie like. Not very indepth and a diffrent writing style. Like a cover band. But if you've read the others......
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