Becky Baldridge
This second Jane Hawk novel continues our heroine's search for people behind the nanotechnology that has turned her world upside down. As it is a continuing story, and picks up where the first book left off, The Whispering Room is more action driven than the beginning of Jane Hawk's story. With that in mind, I highly recommend reading The Silent Corner first to get the full story of how Jane got to this point. The ideas of creating a Utopian world and mind control aren't new, but Koontz takes that to a whole new level in this techno-thriller. As Jane's journey progresses, and the action intensifies, the creep factor builds to the point of spine-tingling chills. With whiplash inducing twists and turns an utterly terrifying plot unfolds, making for some jaw-dropping revelations and a story that this reader couldn't put down. It's always refreshing to find a strong female lead, and Jane embodies everything that we think of in a heroine. She is determined, talented, and fierce in the face of a massive conspiracy, but at the same time, her love of family and desire to help those in need shines through. Once again, Dean Koontz reminds us that the scariest things aren't always those that go bump in the night - sometimes they come from the very people who are supposed to keep us safe. After turning the last page, I'll be anxiously awaiting the next page-turner in Jane Hawk's story.
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vera book reviews and stuff BeBe
STORY-LINE THE WHISPERING ROOM BY DEAN KOONTZ: In The Whispering Room, Jane Hawke is on the run. Not only is she running for her and her son's life, but Jayne is also trying to stop a conspiracy which could end life in America as we know it. A group of powerful and influential men have plans for the American people. Jane is determined to find and destroy as many of them as she can. As well as, unravel the real purpose of the conspiracy. Jayne's husband supposedly committed suicide. However, when other suspicious suicides occur, Jayne follows the trail to a place no one would suspect of harboring a nightmare. Jayne becomes a predator as she finds clue after clue. Jayne is hunting the hunters and kicking butt. Will Jayne become as bad as the men she is hunting or will they find her first? My mystery suspense book reviews of The Whispering Room follows. CHARACTERS, PLOTTING, DEVELOPMENT: The second book in the Jane Hawke novel's is a roller coaster ride of action and suspense, as well as, thought-provoking and chilling. When technology is in the hands of a few greedy demented people, evil easily occurs. Dean Koontz explores the avenues open to the greedy few in high places and the results. While nothing is as it seems, Jane's determination and grit carry her closer and closer to the full truth. Dean Koontz's writing is almost poetic as he lays out scene after scene with descriptive writing. I could vividly see each one. So vivid were the scenes I had chills reading the justifications and manipulations. As well as, the extent the few were willing to go to enslave America and the world. The depth Jane is ready to go to clear her husband's name and keep her son safe is a woman in search of answers. She is one woman against so many who have deep and endless resources, contacts, and demented furver. However, Jayne is not without her own seemly countless connections as well. Jayne's in possession of a truth they do not want made public; they must stop her. Will evil triumph over good in this chilling showdown? MY OPINION: The Whispering Room is a first-rate mystery suspense from the master of suspense, mystery, and horror. Dean Koontz's fully developed characters included a varied cast of interesting secondary characters. His writing flows smoothly and poetically throughout the novel. The premise of The Whispering Room is relevant to today and our advancing technology. I found the suspense held at a high peak throughout. The Whispering Room will cause chill bumps as Koontz explores the evil of man and the determination of a good woman seeking justice. As I neared the end of this book, I found myself nearer to the edge of my chair; anticipating the outcome. I would not hesitate to buy this book for myself or a friend. THE WHISPERING ROOM RECOMMENDATION: STARS 4 ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: I received a copy of this novel from Bookishfirst and chose to review the novel with honest mystery suspense book reviews voluntarily. Reviews of any novel are dependent on the review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews online and on my blog, are my opinions.
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Lindsay T
Dean Koontz used to be so much better than this. The characters all sound alike and use the same unusual cadance and phrasing in their speech. The plot is loose and the action meanders. The ending is a surprise and not in a good way... it comes out of nowhere and falls flat. I rolled my eyes multiple times at his portrayal of certain groups, including journalists and kids. Rape was threatened or insinuated so many times that I wondered why such a creative writer couldn't come up with something more creative. In short, not his best work. Not by a long shot.
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