The chapters outline a series of case studies contributed by leaders in the field, describing projects using a wide variety of creative methods conducted in a variety of global contexts. These include a rich constellation of arts-based and design-based methods and artefacts: sculptures, dance, walking and other somatic movement, diaries, paintings, drawings, zines, poems and other creative writing, body maps, collages, stories, films, photographs, theatre performances, soundscapes, potions, rock gardens, brainstorming, debates, secret ballots, murals and graffiti walls. There are no rules or guidelines outlined in these contributions about ‘how to do’ creative approaches to health education. However, the methods in the case studies the authors describe are explained in detail so that they can be adopted or re-invented in other contexts. More importantly, these contributions provide inspiration. They demonstrate what can be done in the field of health education (however it is defined) to go beyond the often stultifying and conventional boundaries it has set for itself.
Creative Approaches to Health Education demonstrates that creative approaches can be used to inspire those working and teaching in health education and their publics to think and do otherwise as well as advance health education research and pedagogies into new, exciting and provocative directions. It will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in education and health-related fields who want to explore and experiment with creative methods and craftivism in applied inquiry.
Deborah Lupton is SHARP Professor in the Centre for Social Research and Social Policy Centre. She is leader of the Vitalities Lab at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney and leader of the UNSW Node and Health Focus Area as well as co-leader of the People Program in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society, Australia.
Deana Leahy is Associate Professor in Health Education in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.