I believe that any and all things first and fore most starts with a thought. My name is Debra Taylor Hankins and I am a child of Almighty God. Obedience has been a part of my life even before I was born again that’s how I know I’m chosen. Tested refined molded and shaped once God has drawn you in there’s no way to escape. God has allowed me to pass a many of tests me being born in sin my God I was a hot mess!! I believe being a disciple for Christ I came to win souls back to Him I had a nice childhood but as I grew in my sin God’s Light became dim. I felt like Jesus in the desert I had to get rid of the spirits of anger selfishness pride jealousy and gossip that was inside, yeah I use to fool people but from my God I knew I could not hide. Yet even in my sin my God watches over me, allowing me to put on paper some of my life. For some it will be confirmation others their eyes will be open to see. These words of inspiration are designed not to insult punish or hurt anyone. They are my personal testimonies of where God brought me from and that is a mighty long way. Come join me on a journey of Ecclesiastes 3, A Time For Everything. These words of inspiration will touch the hearts of many some may make you laugh some may make you cry many may leave you curious with the question why. This book came about through obedience listening to God my Father. Women let’s reassure our fellow women to make God your 1 and Only and He will bring you through. There’s no problem that’s too big or small God is in charge of it all. So love no matter what; be willing to serve in season or out of season and if God’s Love reigns inside you, you are love too!! ENJOY!!!!!!!