Although this book targets youth soccer training, it is quite suitable and recommended for adult soccer training as well. The technical principles are general enough to apply to all levels of soccer training. The presentation slides format of the book makes it amenable for pick-and-choose applications of specific training topics.
In his 2014 book, the Great Pele of Brazil emphasizes Why Soccer Matters. In the opinion of this author, soccer, indeed, matters not only because of its socio-economic impacts around the world, but also because of the various other benefits it offers. Soccer matters because it is a thinking game and the ultimate team sport. The theme and premise offered by Youth Soccer Training Slides cover various math and science topics to enhance the understanding and enjoyment of the game.
Deji Badiru is an award-winning author, educator, researcher, and administrator. He is a registered professional engineer, a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, and a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering. He holds engineering and mathematics degrees from Tennessee Technological University and the University of Central Florida. Deji's professional accomplishments are coupled with his passion of writing about everyday events, interpersonal issues, and social observations. He is the author of over 20 books and over 100 technical articles. He and his wife, Iswat, have three children and two grandchildren and live in Beavercreek, Ohio.