In The Monad Manifesto, we explore the mysterious monadic origin of the universe and its relationship to the field of conscious awareness that we all share. The book is organized into a central “Manifesto” and ancillary chapters that expand and document the ideas presented. These chapters include “The Monad in Philosophy,” “The Monad in Science,” “The Monad in Mathematics,” and “Monad Cosmology.” We will also explore the ways people experience monadic reality in the chapter “Monadic Experiences.” Then, we will learn methods of meditation developed down through the ages to connect to the Source in “Monad Meditations.”
Dennis William Hauck is an author and researcher in consciousness studies. His work focuses on the nature of consciousness and the subtle interactions between mind and matter. He attempts to merge various philosophical and scientific traditions into a broader science of consciousness and has contributed to many related areas, including the history of science, psychology, and the serious study of exceptional human experiences.