In this seemingly peaceful society, Dora Dana Dasnan, a gifted Visionaire, serves the leading race of Descendants by reporting her Visions of the future. But when she witnesses a forbidden Vision—an intimate contact with a Human man—she realizes her life is in danger. Escape from this disciplined and controlled society seems impossible, but just when Dora loses all hope, a teleportation error sends her to a new and astoundingly beautiful planet.
Here begins a remarkable journey where she adapts to an alien culture, learns the frightening truth behind her dystopic world, and experiences a Vision of the future that could save the Human race.
Descendants of Earth is a trilogy comprising The Senthien, The Mind, and The Vision, blending science fiction and dystopian fiction with romance.
Tara Jade Brown lives in Switzerland with her husband, two sons, two cats, and a dog. Before becoming a full-time writer, she worked as a neuroscientist, an entrepreneur, and a marketing manager. Her works include her debut novel The Senthien, The Mind, The Vision, Swift Escape, and a few short stories: Dante’s 9, Forbidden, and Far Away. To find out more, please go to