Follow upon the escapades of Cooper Black, a modern American cowboy who loves to attack criminals and works as a vigilante to defeat big mafia leaders and terrorists while also maintaining his own set of hobbies.
This is an epic humorous story full of unexpected twists, comedy, tragedy, adventure, murder, crime, mystery, horror, action, stunts, guns, chaos, sci-fi, war, nukes, and myth...
Written by Dewan Mukto in 2016. Everything was written when he was 13 years old. (Have low expectations!)
Dewan M.I. Mukto is an innovative and creative fellow who loves to work and demonstrate his skills and talents over a wide range of industries and sectors. He often formulates novel concepts to aid in his objectives.
Hailing from Bangladesh, he maintains a global presence by contributing to the fields of art, music, literature, science and technology.
He has been writing stories, novels and other types of books since 2014.