A lot of people think that financial planning is a difficult thing to do but it is not. In fact, it is easy. The only condition being you have to learn it properly. This book is for young people who want to be financially free. In this book, you will learn the basics to start in your financial success journey.
This book also explains the steps of how to do financial planning. By knowing the steps, you can easily start financial planning for yourself at a young age. You need to do financial planning. Blaming the economy, society and government will not improve your financial future. To improve it you need to start in financial planning. Only then can you build great wealth for yourself. You have to take this responsibility into your own hands. Don't believe me on this read the introduction and decide for yourself.
Dhruv savaliya is a 22-year-old young beginner investor, entrepreneur and an author from India. He is passionate about finance, business and investing.
Dhruv made his first investment when he was just 18 year old as in India the legal age for investing in stock market is 18 years. He is also working on a startup. His goal behind writing books is to educate young people on financial success.
He believes that everyone has an investor in them and can achieve financial success with the right knowledge.