Diana Maynard is a Senior Researcher at the University of Sheffield. She obtained a Ph.D. on the topic of Automatic Term Recognition from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2000, and has been involved in research in NLP and text mining since 1994. Her main research interests are in information extraction, opinion mining, social media analysis, term extraction, ontology development, and the Semantic Web. Since 2000 she has led the development of USFD'sopen-source multilingual IE tools, and has led research on a number of UK and EU projects including COMRADES, DecarboNet, Arcomem, KnowledgeWeb, and NeOn. She regularly provides consultancy and training on NLP and GATE use in the public and private sector, and is advisor to two start-up companies. She has published extensively, organized national and international conferences and workshops, given numerous invited talks and tutorials, reviews regularly for conferences and journals, and was the organizer of the ISWC Semantic Web Challenge from 2010-2013. She has examined a number of Ph.D.s in the UK and abroad, is the Book Review Editor for the Journal of Natural Language Engineering, and reviews project proposals for the ESRC and RNTL. Kalina Bontcheva is the holder of a prestigious EPSRC career acceleration fellowship, working on text mining and summarization of social media. Dr. Bontcheva received her Ph.D. on the topic of adaptive hypertext generation from the University of Sheffield in 2001. She has been a leading developer of the GATE text analytics infrastructure since 1999. Her main interests are software infrastructures for NLP, information extraction, natural language generation, and text summarization. Kalina Bontcheva is currently coordinating the PHEME FP7 project on computing veracity of social media content, as well as leading the Sheffield teams in TrendMiner, DecarboNet, and uComp. Previously she coordinated the EC-funded TAO STREP project on transitioning applications to ontologies and contributed to the MUSING, SEKT, and MIAKT projects. Prof. Bontcheva is co-organizer of the bi-annual conference "Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing," co-chair of the Information Extraction track of ACL'2010 and EMNLP'2010, a demo co-chair for ACL'2014, an area co-chair for UMAP'2014, and a PC co-chair for UMAP'2015. She has published extensively in high-profile journals and conferences and delivered invited talks and tutorials. Isabelle Augenstein is a Research Associate in the UCL Machine Reading group. Prior to that, she was a Research Associate in the Sheffield NLP group and completed a Ph.D. thesis at the University of Sheffield on the topic of relation extraction from the Web. Before joining the University of Sheffield in October 2012 she studied Computational Linguistics at the Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University, and was a part-time research assistant at AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Isabelle Augenstein's main research interests are information extraction, knowledge base population, and machine learning for natural language processing. Her research focuses on methods which do not require manually annotated training data and instead exploit background information, such as Linked Data. Her current work focuses on automatic knowledge base construction for scientific publications. She has published in high-profile conferences and journals such as ACL, EMNLP, ISWC, and the Semantic Web journal and regularly reviews for conferences. She has given tutorials and organized hands-on sessions on natural language processing for the Semantic Web at the ESWC Summer Schools in 2014 and 2015.