Valerie Pennington
I had read this author a couple of times, but those stories were more in line with the adult books, and not the YA ones. I love the humor in this author’s books, and had thought this might be similar. I was wrong. But, that is not a bad thing. This book is an emotional journey. One that even the author said took a turn that she was not expecting. For me, it was a rewind of my own introductions into new schools when I was in a teen, and all the feels of anger, fear, and bullying that were there. I found myself at one point with tears running down my face in one scene, as the text brought back some memories I had thought I had abandoned with age. This is not a bad thing, though, it is a compliment to the writing, and the book that I was brought to these emotions. It shows that this story goes beyond just the audience it was intended for. This book is aimed at teens, as I mentioned, but as I found, it does resonate with even someone way past that age. The story is simple, one of ma