इस पुस्तक में भारत में शिक्षा के विभिन्न पहलुओं की पहचान करके विचार-विमर्श करने के साथ-साथ उनका विश्लेषण किया गया है। इनमें भारतीय शिक्षा के स्वरूप, चरित्र-निर्माण, लड़कियों की शिक्षा, व्यक्तित्व विकास, भारतीय विज्ञान, भारतीय गणित, प्रोफेशनल संस्थाओं में मूल्य-शिक्षण, विचारों का प्रदूषण, कुछ महान् शिक्षक, ब्रिटिश काल से पूर्व भारतीय शिक्षा, वैकल्पिक शिक्षा, मूल्यांकन और अत्यंत रोचक उपसंहार—शिक्षा की आत्मकथा जैसे विविध विषयों पर विचार व्यक्त किए गए हैं।
Gain a deep understanding of the Indian education system in Bharatiya Shiksha Ka Swaroop. From its historical roots, philosophical foundations, to contemporary challenges, the book presents a holistic view of the importance of moral values in education.
Bharatiya Shiksha Ka Swaroop by Dinanath Batra: Gain profound insights into the essence and evolution of education in India with Bharatiya Shiksha Ka Swaroop by Dinanath Batra. This enlightening book offers a comprehensive exploration of the Indian education system, its historical roots, and its contemporary challenges.
Bharatiya Shiksha Ka Swaroop delves into various aspects of education, including its philosophical foundations, the role of teachers, the importance of moral values, and the need for holistic development. Batra's scholarly research and profound understanding of Indian culture and tradition provide readers with a comprehensive view of the education landscape.
With its emphasis on promoting a value-based education system and fostering a sense of national pride, this book serves as a guiding light for educators, policymakers, and individuals invested in shaping the future of education in India.
Bharatiya Shiksha Ka Swaroop book, Indian education system, historical roots, contemporary challenges, philosophical foundations, moral values, holistic development.