J. Hietarinta is Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the University of Turku, Finland. His work has focused on the search for integrable systems of various forms, including Hamiltonian mechanics, Hirota bilinear form, Yang-Baxter and tetrahedron equations, as well as lattice equations. He was instrumental in the setting up of the nlin.SI category in arxiv.org and created the web pages for the SIDE (Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations) conference series (http://side-conference.net).
N. Joshi is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Sydney. She is best known for her work on the PainlevÊ equations and works at the leading edge of international efforts to analyse discrete and continuous integrable systems in the geometric setting of their initial-value spaces, constructed by resolving singularities in complex projective space. She was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2008, holds a Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship and was awarded the special Hardy Fellowship of the London Mathematical Society in 2015.
F. W. Nijhoff is Professor of Mathematical Physics in the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds. His research focuses on nonlinear difference and differential equations, symmetries and integrability of discrete systems, variational calculus, quantum integrable systems and linear and nonlinear special functions. He was the principal organizer of the 2009 six-month programme on Discrete Integrable Systems at the Isaac Newton Institute, and was awarded a Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow in 2011.