Foundation Biology for NEET/Olympiad Class 9 is the thoroughly revised and updated 4th edition (2 colour) of the comprehensive book for class 9 students who aspire to become Doctors. The book goes for a complete makeover to 2-colour (from B&W) so as to make it more reader friendly. The theoretical concepts in the book are accompanied by Illustrations, Check Points, Do You Know?, Idea Box, and Knowledge Enhancer. The book has in total 1840 questions divided into 3 levels of fully solved exercises, which are graded as per their level of difficulty. Exercise 1: FIB, True-False, Matching, Very Short, Short and Long Answer Type Questions
Exercise 2: Textbook, Exemplar and HOTS Questions
Exercise 3: MCQs 1 Correct and Assertion-Reason Type.
The book adheres to the latest syllabus set by the NCERT, going beyond by incorporating those topics which will assist the students scale-up in the next classes to achieve their academic dreams of Medicine. These topics are separately highlighted as Connecting Topics