Divine versus Worldly Love

· Philaletheians UK
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Worldly and Devotional Love compared and contrasted.

Worldly Love is an intoxication of the Astral Light. It is a state of severe mental perturbation. Divine Love is the Law of Universal Sympathy. Worldly and Devotional Love are the two opposing paths of One Divine Love in the mayavic universe of being.

Monosexual consciousness is a characteristic of psychic development. But in spiritual de-velopment consciousness is asexual.

The first step in true occultism is to try to apprehend the meaning of Universal Brotherhood. Devotion and aspiration will help to raise consciousness to higher planes, where faith, self-sacrifice, and loyalty to the Teachers is rewarded. Give it all away or you will lose it.

Can devotion to inner contemplative life, and a life of fine unselfishness, allow of the growth of faculties otherwise dormant, and a growing recognition of the underlying unity of man and his surroundings, so that truth will make itself known from within, and help one to develop a greater physical command of the forces of nature?

Without Esoteric Philosophy guiding the soul, neither meditation nor devotion to duty can make the Wisdom of Love bare her bosom to the inner eye and reveal the sublime secrets of Cosmogony to the multitude.

Angel worship is misplaced and ill-advised.

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