A key assumption of the Scaffolded Language Emergence (SLE) approach is that a language need not be taught or learned in the conventional sense of these terms. Instead, it is argued, language can ‘emerge’, that is generate and maintain itself through authentic use. The study and application of rules is considered most useful in later stages of learning, while intuition and abductive thinking can be used very effectively to initiate or bootstrap naturalistic learning processes – even in adults learning a foreign language.
Don Kiraly is a Professor of Translation Studies at the School of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies (FTSK) of the University of Mainz, where naturalistic language teaching has always been one of his primary research interests.
Sarah Signer is a graduate translator trained at the FTSK. She is a CELTAcertified English teacher and has taught English as a Foreign Language for several years. She is also a permanent teaching staff member at the FTSK.