Cathy Geha
FEVER by Donna Grant Dark Kings #16 Dragons, and warriors and fae – oh my! AND there are OTHERS. Okay...putting silliness aside...this is an entertaining, ongoing series that has created a world and worlds beyond that is inhabited by more than humans. I did not get in on the beginning of this series but did pick up a few books later in the series and a few of the side stories that are part of the series and would like to, at some point in time, go back to the beginning and read them all in order. That said...if you are coming into this series having never read any of the previous books I would recommend this one as it gives a great deal of the backstory as Kelton tells Bernadette the history of the dragons. As he tells their story he mentions others (warriors, druids, fae, dark & light, good & bad and he also mentions The Others. There is mention of other worlds/universes and more. So, coming into the series on this book could/should work for many who might decide to give it a try. Bernadette is a scholar, anthropologist, cyrptologist and seeker of the truth. She was doing fine professional and personally until one day she met a woman who took her to see a dragon. A year later she presents a talk and in walks Kelton at the bequest of his acting dragon king. Fate or Fae manipulation? Who knows. That meetings sparks a sequence of events that leads the entire universe closer to resolution of issues within this world the author has created. Some live, some die, some marry, a mate is found and a new presence is introduced that has me wondering what will happen next. While some issues are resolved in this bookmore than a few threads are left dangling to be worked on in the future. Did I enjoy this book? Yes Do I want to read more in this series? Definitely Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review. 5 Stars
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Eva Millien
Hiding in the realm of shadows – and existing only in the world of dreams – is no longer an option for Kelton because a human woman claims to know that he, like other dark warriors of his kind, is real. And with one embrace, Kelton could destroy her…or love her until the end of time. She knows better than to fall into the arms of a Dragon King, but how can Bernadette Davies resist Kelton when he’s so willing to share his secrets and bear his soul. Soon Bernadette will have to face her dilemma – expose the truth about Kelton or join him in his battle with the dark forces – in the name of love? OMG! A new battle in the war against the light fae queen is at hand and this Dragon King story shocks and renders readers’ speechless. Kelton and Bernadette are faced with some impossible choices as they struggle with their attraction and the decisions they must make throughout the story. While their attraction grows stronger, the more questions arise and have them wondering how much of what they feel is real and how much is caused by the manipulate queen in quest to destroy the Dragon Kings. Readers can’t help but get caught up in all the emotional turmoil that flows from the pages of this fast paced plot but at the same time they find themselves holding their breath, eyes opening wider and wider and biting their nails as surprising and shocking twists answers some questions and raises others. The action and suspense is explosive and in some parts of the story down right shocking as more enemies come to light in this fantastic Dragon King romance.
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Dawn Matthews
First, I'd like to point out that this is book #16 in a series that has built up a world of intrigue and mystery. IF, you haven't been reading this series from the very beginning, do yourself a big favor and go back and start from the first book. It will be worth the time, I assure you. If you happen to read a review from someone who started with this book and they gave it a poor rating, it's because they started in the middle of a very complex world of Dragon Kings, Fae, Druids, and all the magic they create. The hero and heroine had a beautiful love story. Keltan was dead set against falling in love and finding a mate, but Bernadette found her way into his heart and soul. I laughed, cried, gasped, and yelled while reading this story. It brought some closure but if I've learned anything from reading Donna Grant's stories it's this: just when you think you have it all figured out... you don't. I've come to expect the unexpected. This book was a great addition to this amazing series and I can't wait for book #17! Dragon King fans... you're in for a treat.
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