Most days Iris can’t believe that she actually left her home and country for a smooth-talking jerk who tossed her into the street first chance he got. A woman has to view that sort of thing as life lesson. Her mum raised her to be a survivor, and that includes understanding her worst enemy is herself when it comes to good-looking men.
Besides… nice men don’t date broke women staying at hostels. And Lincoln Walker seems to be a very, very nice man. He has a growing list of rich, beautiful, and successful business women wanting to date him. Iris calls tending bar a career. They couldn’t be any less suited for each other.
Imagine Cinderella never getting to the ball. Then imagine her turning forty and still scrubbing fireplaces for a living. That would be the fairytale version of Iris’s life.
She’s got no time to waste on dating Prince Charming—or rather, Prince Walker. The man owns his own urban kingdom and yet chooses to fly balloons for a living. Iris, on the other hand, chooses to take down rowdy drunks in bars. Cupid better not shoot an arrow her way or she’ll take him down too.
In her life, love and romance are temporary. That’s all Iris can afford.