Karate Do Training for Life A compendium for mainstream karate and martial arts text books outlining the changes psychological, physical, and spiritual that may be experienced through a lifetime of rigorous physical training. Time Book This contains a brief treatise on the concept of time and how the human race introduced a worldwide schedule for one and all. This also contains theorem on how the body ages. Life Book One Includes information on beginning karate and what to expect in these early days. It also introduces the novice to the way, explains key terminology together with a section on recognition and treatment of common minor injuries and conditions. Life Book Two Concentrates on the development of the individual through the middle years. Contains a section on class operation and promotional grading examinations. Background information on kumite and kata practice is also to be found. Life Book Three Focuses on management of your wellbeing through self care, meditation, and of course continued adherence to the way. Philosophical aspects of training and teaching are also touched upon. Each Life Book opens with a loose description of physical, psychological, and spiritual conditions you may recognize at that point in your life.