Jesus Collection
Gods gradually appeared in my life, along with the practice of active imagination and
Little by little I became more aware that they were always by my side when I painted or
In 1998 it all started with Jesus presenting himself in my meditations. At that time, I
made a lot of use of laying on of hands, crystals and herbs.
I started writing down everything I experienced.
In 2000, the Masters of the White Brotherhood emerged and I performed many cosmic
meditations and was thrilled with the confirmation from other channels.
2002 was the stage for the closeness and constant presence of the Archangel
Raphael, of Hilarion, guiding me to create many drawings for physical health, for the
chakras, subtle bodies, among others.
Only in 2004 did these vibrations begin to become designs for the balance of
everything and seals of the deities. The postgraduate degree in art therapy starts here. The
clarification that this was all about active imagination and that Carl Gustav Jung had
explored this field a lot, was a great encouragement to my soul looking for an answer. But it
all culminated in 2009 with the publication of Red Book where I was able to experience his
art and be sure that it was the same technique. This comparison is in the book Alchemy with
Zeus and the Red Book and in the book Active Imagination after the Red Book.
To date, around 2,000 drawings have been made in the presence of Gods, Angels and
Masters. Rays, Paths, drawings for physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual health. All with
therapeutic vibrations. Drawings for the treatment of the chakras, subtle bodies, meridians,
aura, the 72 angels, the 49 rays of the White Brotherhood, the 32 paths, the leading angels,
the 5th dimension of Ra, the 7 rays of the new Earth, the beings of the stars , etc. The entire
list of drawings benefits that we can have with this art can be found in the book Active
Imagination after Red Book, where I present the results I had with people.
The energization of moisturizing creams was made to facilitate the use and application
of these vibrations from this art in our lives. Art perpetuates the moment of active
imagination with that Being and thus, other people can practice it more easily and also have
contact with them.
I made many colorful pattern images from 2008 onwards, aiming to apply these
vibrations in many ways. One of them is printing on panels to energize environments.
Later, after 2012, I started to drawing the seals of Greek Gods, Kabbalistic angels and
Zeus, which became very present in my life, as well as bringing many tasks to me.
The seals of the paths also emerged and everything can be compared to the main
sources of Kabbalistic literature such as the Zohar and Sefer Yetzira.
Moses appears, Abraham, Uranus, Ein Sof, Adam, Eve, and the entire restoration
proposed by EinSof/Uranus in the book Alchemy in the Garden of Eden.
It is extraordinary to be able to compare the deities of the pantheons, but it is also a
complex task, as they are not exactly the same, as each one has its own characteristics.
Sometimes the God Ra appeared and showed himself to be related to Adam, but with
very peculiar characteristics related to our ancestry. With an extremely bright and white light,
always linked to the third Sun before ours, it brought a rapturous and very effective vibration
to everything. With a well-balanced will, he was reliable, acting strongly in the matter.
Quality of life has always been his motto and his authority over darkness was
incredible to see. It was a relief and a blessing for afflicted and lost souls.
It also has a universal character and care for the entire Earth, with all its inhabitants.
It's impossible to be with him and only think about ourselves. His attributes are very
comprehensive in nature and just as he remembers Adam, he also remembers Jesus. The
vibration of the cosmic Christ seal also has this same universal scope and the love is
Ein Sof (The Ineffable) introduced me to the God Ra and made me pay attention and
know his position before him in the hierarchy. Moses is always present, Abraham and the
presence of Egypt arrives with all of this, of course.
It has been shown to act strongly on our ancestry and the relationship and impact it
has on our current lives and our future.
He is the great breath for the souls of our ancestors. It's the strong light of diamonds.
It has intense powers over matter and aligns the suns, since the third Sun, before ours.
This alignment is responsible for being able to reach so far into our ancestry and allowing us
to make peace with our families. This is the greatest proof of love we could give to our
ancestry and it reflects on our lives in many ways.
Archangel Michael was very active with Him.
In many ways, this extraordinary God of the Egyptian pantheon wants to bring us
dignity and the opportunity to cleanse the past, to evolve, to transcend our separation from
the Father and to finally absorb our merit to live more dignified in all aspects.
As we climb the Tree of Life, this team (God Ra, Jesus, Zeus, Pistis Sophia) assists us
in freeing up access to the top of the Tree of Life including 3 Spheres prior to Kether.
In these experiences, Ra makes his field of activity clear and the Zohar is part of all.
The pages of this incredible extensive book have proven to me to be extremely effective in
resolving many aspects of our lives. It's an energy so strong that you can feel it in any
language. The Sun God is the last chapter. I added my active imaginations with this team.
But is it possible to elevate ourselves that much, without staying there?
Yes, it's a very nice and light vibe. An invitation to everyone.
This collection is the gift of God Ra, Jesus, Pistis-Sophia, Zeus and many angels, gods
and masters, for our days. The drawings I made along with this experience facilitate this
practice. I tell the stories that emerged and the dialogues we had. This art facilitates your
ascent as it makes you evolve quickly. We will be better people on this climb.
The Tetragrammaton (sacred family IHVH – Father, Mother, Son and Daughter) acts in
our lives in all ways, as we are also their representation.
Many products have been energized to facilitate the use of these beneficial vibrations.
Water, creams, paper, etc. This experiences are mentioned throughout this book.
The summaries of the characteristics of the angels, divided into their respective
spheres, have a very intense effect and thus we can get to know the Tree of Life and its
functioning, arranging the summaries on the wall according to the format of the Tree of Life.
Stamps are often displayed in the living room, bedroom on the wall.
Water can be taken or splashed into the aura, generating many beneficial effects.
Several pantheons are mentioned in a joint action, because in the practice of active
imagination they appear to act together at times, complementing each other.
Our desire here is to get as close as possible to Jesus, looking for various ways to
bring content from very old authors who touched him.
Both the art made alongside him and historical research that tried to elucidate how he
lived and what his secret teachings were, are an attempt to unite two distinct poles that can
be experienced.