This collection explores how each of ecofeminism’s core concerns can foster a more emancipatory literary theory and criticism, now and in the future. This comprehensive volume will be of great interest to scholars and students of literature, ecofeminism, ecocriticism, gender studies, and the environmental humanities.
Douglas A. Vakoch, PhD, is President of METI, dedicated to Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence and sustaining civilization on multigenerational timescales. He has explored ecofeminism in seven of his earlier books, including Feminist Ecocriticism (2011), Ecofeminist Science Fiction (2021), and (with Sam Mickey) Literature and Ecofeminism (2018). Dr. Vakoch is general editor of two book series: Environment and Society and Ecocritical Theory and Practice. As Director of Green Psychotherapy, PC, he helps alleviate environmental distress through ecotherapy.