In the mystical realm of the Seven Circles, all races have lived in harmony within their own spheres. Now, in the final installment of this trilogy from author Douglas Niles, they must band together to fight the ultimate evil.
The threat of war has loomed over the spheres of the Seven Circles for more than five decades—and now the enemy has finally advanced, forcing the creatures of this peace-loving world into violent battle. If they lose, the Seven Circles will belong to Karlath-Fayd—a brutal Deathlord whose rule promises everlasting misery. Their only hope rests with the magic of the druids—the most evolved beings of all—who have summoned legendary warriors of the past to fight alongside an army that encompasses all the races.
And as they confront the evil that has descended upon them, Miradel, the druid priestess who has saved her home twice before, journeys to the center of the world—to discover once and for all why the Seven Circles have been engulfed by this enduring darkness, and what can be done to end it.
“Niles has again conceived a fantasy setting of great richness and scope.”—Publishers Weekly
“Absolutely nobody builds a more convincing fantasy realm than Doug Niles.”—R. A. Salvatore, bestselling author of The Demon Awakens
“Niles…writes so well that his characters come to life after only a few lines.”—Starlog
Science fiction & fantasy