In Flying Penguin, author Dr. Asoka Nimal Jinadasa explains how you can awaken that power. Through simple concepts and techniques, he offers a comprehensive guide to help you unleash your inborn human potential by developing your six dimensions of success: heart, mind, body, passion, focus, and health. He shows you how you can:
fly far beyond the limitations of your daily life;
achieve highest levels of success in everything you do;
become younger, healthier, and sexier each day;
reach goals beyond your wildest dreams.
Containing a blend of concepts and methodologies drawn from diverse sources such as Chinese martial arts, Tibetan rites, and Himalayan wisdom combined with the latest research in behavioral psychology, neuroscience, genetics, nutrition, and healthcare, Flying Penguin presents ways to experience the thrill of freeing your wings and flying far beyond the limitations of everyday life. It is probably the most comprehensive self-coaching book ever written.
Dr. Asoka Nimal Jinadasa is the creator of the holistic six-dimensional model of success and leadership. He is the author of “Flying Penguin: How to create miracles in your life using the six dimensions of success”. It is probably the most comprehensive self-coaching book ever written. As a globally-renowned thought-leader in Human Potential Development, he has made keynote speeches and presentations at major international business and HR conferences. His workshops use a blend of modern science and oriental wisdom to transform people who think they are penguins into magnificent eagles. He has energized and empowered thousands of people all over the world by awakening the vast human potential sleeping within them. Looking and acting 25 years younger than his 70 years, he is a master of the Chinese martial art T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Himalayan energy techniques, and an award-winning media advertiser, brand marketer and feature filmmaker. Featured in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Western Europe, he won the 2015 MTC Global Outstanding Corporate Award for Consulting and the 2015 Asia-Pacific Award for Outstanding Contribution to HR. Asoka is a UK-qualified chartered engineer holding a US doctorate in business strategy, with over 30 years of top-management experience in USA, Europe and Asia.