Ascendant is the most important element of Astronomy and Astrology. Ascendant is the fundamental factor or seed of Astrology. This is the base on which the entire mansion of Astrology or the vast banyan tree stands. The calculative portion of Astrology can be solved by computer to a great extent, but the predictive portion is out of question. Astrology without prediction is just like a flower without fragrance. Many a time learned Astrologers and professional fortune-tellers are hesitant in giving correct predictions. The present book is intended to combat this challenge, by presenting facts and figures Ascendant-wise in separate books so that a clear and concise avenue may be opened for those who are aspiring to know what is there in store for them in the celestial world.The practical significance of this book has been enhanced several times due to the birth horoscopes given at the end of the book, it is a proven fact that every lover of Astrology is a master in telling his own future. What could you gather from this book and what knowledge is there in your stock? Kindly acknowledge your experiences by writing them down to me. I shall be awaiting your letter, but do remember to enclose a duly typed and stamped envelope bearing your address for reply.