Knowing that he has a short time left, the enemy is on the rampage to militate, checkmate and possibly arrest every child of Cod. His arresting agenda is manifested in stunted spiritual growth, destiny derailment, stolen virtues, caged glories, poverty, physical debility and even death.
As a believer and an end-time warrior, you need a strategy to arrest the arrester of your destiny. You also need a full knowledge of the identity and tricks of your potential arrester. These needs are met with insightful perspicacity and depth in this new book by one of God's generals that the Lord has gifted this generation.
The blueprint for spiritual victory as revealed in the book will show you the ingredients of Christ's winning strategy. You are therefore enjoined to study and appropriate this strategy; as you put on the battle-gear of a prayer warrior, turn the tide against the arrester and begin to claim your divine glory and destined rights in Christ Jesus.