A talk with the Soul
Most of us are aware of Astrology (the study of the planets, stars and human behavior). We might look at our Horoscope in the daily paper to see what to expect that day or for the week. But the New Astrology, as taught by Dr. Douglas Baker and his revolutionary Claregate Method, answers more than the mundane questions we ask in our every-day life. Through the Claregate Method we learn how to find answers to our deepest questions, those that have puzzled Mankind since time began, such as: “Why am I here?” “What’s my purpose in life?” “What am I supposed to learn in this lifetime?” “Where do I go after this life?”
The Claregate Method, in partnership with the New Astrology, provides us a way to communicate with our Soul. We can finally find the answers to why certain things seem to happen to us, or where our special talents or gifts can be found, etc. The New Astrology does not deal with “personality” issues in the strictest sense. For example, the Soul does not care about when we land our dream job except to the extent that it furthers It’s purpose. The Soul does care that you land the job you are meant to do or to learn or to teach lessons to those who come into your life. The New Astrology and the Claregate Method deal with the core of our personal existence, guiding us to the Soul’s expression through us in this lifetime. The New Astrology is the same astrology used by the Ancients but now clothed in the language of our day so it can be fully understood. No more secrets. All is revealed and available to everyone. Do we dare to look and accept what was “written in the stars” for us? The Claregate Method brings a step-by-step process by which you can reveal your truths, your destiny in this life.