The Field Identification Guide is an invaluable resource growers, workers, students and consultants to correctly identify pests, beneficials, diseases and disorders in lettuce in Australia.
Intended to be used as a tool in integrated pest management in lettuce, it draws on the experience of a range of scientists and industry experts. The Field Identification Guide presents over 180 colour photographs along with illustrations and text. It contains a comprehensive list of organisms and nutritional disorders identified as currently important to this industry. Page references in the Field Guide refer to further reading in the more comprehensive Information Guide.
Both publications are examples of practical outcomes from the AusVeg levy and Horticulture Australia.
Dr Sandra McDougall has been a Technical Specialist (Vegetables) for the NSW DPI since 1997. She has been the team leader for the National Vegetable Industry Centre at Yanco since 1999.
Sandra has been the project leader for a series of national Lettuce IPM projects since 1998. Her interest is in developing Integrated Pest Management tools and strategies that growers can adopt. Recently she led a review of vegetable IPM research and many of her recommendations have been adopted by industry. Her expertise in IPM development and adoption has been utilized by ACIAR projects in Tonga and Cambodia and an AUSAID project in Vietnam.
In 2008 she was recognized as the Bayer Crop Science Vegetable Researcher of the Year.