On the run with his service robot, CRB (Curbie), aboard the spaceship, Assurance, Caspian and Curbie take damage to the ship and inadvertently fly into a suspecting wormhole. A strange new world awaits...
In this exciting new issue:
Everything comes full circle. Caspian's fragile ego causes a rift between Rooster Valley and Whydah City to grow even larger. Truces were broken and there is a battle looming. A once peaceful valley is now doomed and even more surprises await. Will Caspian redeem himself or peril in the coming battle?
Drew has been writing, creating, and publishing since 2017 first starting with Future Sci-Fi Tales, which consisted of his own set of anthology stories. Since then he's released a number of anthology issues ( science fiction and horror), as well as a number of one-shot books. He currently lives in Indiana with his wife and daughters.