Table of Contents
Lifestyle Change
Proper Breathing
Chosen Foods
Figs and Grapes
Forbidden Foods
Hot-Water Relief
The Use of Honey
Author Bio
How many times have you seen people around you, coughing uncontrollably, suffering from shortness of breath, whooping air desperately into an air passage, which suddenly seemed to have closed up? How many times have you seen your loved ones almost suffocated, because it is impossible for them to get air naturally in their tortured lungs?
They are suffering from asthma, 330 million people all over the World are suffering from this disease. It is not a relatively modern ailment, because in Egypt, it was treated with giving the patient some strong incense to inhale, and all over the ancient World, it was recognized as an ailment of the respiratory system.
This book is going to tell you all about asthma, the reasons for it, its symptoms, and how you can cure asthma naturally. If you say that you can get plenty of allopathic treatments, they are going to be made up of cortisteroids, bringing you temporary relief, not curing you at all and not treating the problem at all.