billion. We’re separated by many differences: sex, race, religion, language, customs, and
geography. Nevertheless, we also have some things in common. We breathe the same air. We
all bleed the same red blood. We all need food, rest, and shelter.
Oh, yes, we have one other thing familiar to each one of us—we all want happiness.
Happiness—an elusive, sort of nebulous something that every one of us spends a
lifetime pursuing. Some of us try to find it in things. We think that if only we could be
rich, we’d be happy. When we’re rich, we have money. Money buys things, and things make us
happy. Or do they?
Others of us try to find happiness in becoming well-known—maybe even famous. If the
masses adore us, surely, then we would be happy, right? Or maybe we look for happiness
in being powerful and important, in plunging headlong into pleasure-seeking and
entertainment, or in trying to find someone else who can make us happy.
We want happiness. We crave it—all of us. Through all ages of history, we have
desired it. Nevertheless, this inexpressible desire of all ages cannot be found in things,
in fame, in power, in pleasure-seeking. It can be found only in a Person, and you can probably guess who that Person is. This book is His story. In Him is the end of your quest for happiness.