Using insight gained from many years of Bible research, seminary teaching, and practical ministry, Dr. Earl Radmacher shows readers the truth of Proverbs 23:7: “As a man thinketh in his heart; so is he.”
Changing our behavior begins with changing our thoughts, and changing our thoughts requires the renewal of our minds, and making every thought captive to Christ.
In You & Your Thoughts Dr. Radmacher shows us how. If you want to change your thoughts, read this book today.
Dr. Earl D. Radmacher served at Western Seminary for thirty-three years (1962-1995) as Dean of the Faculty (1964-1965), President (1965-1990), and Chancellor (1990-1995). In 1995 he was designated President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus.
Among the numerous books and articles that Dr. Radmacher has authored or edited are: You & Your Thoughts, The Nature of the Church, Can We Trust the Bible, What to Expect from the Holy Spirit, Hermeneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible, The NIV Reconsidered, The Nelson Study Bible, Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary, Salvation, and The Disciplemaker.