Everything has an expiration date, a point that it simply is no more. Most of the time we aren’t even aware we’ve reached that time until we look around and see that our era has ended, our favorite ice cream flavor is no longer made, we can’t get a telephone that doesn’t connect to the internet, or the last duck is gone.
This is a story about two people, quite like us, living in another time, a difficult time, possibly in another place, but one that looks a lot like this one might become not far down the road of time.
Ed Teja is a lifelong writer and denizen of the margins of the world. A former magazine editor, musician, and Caribbean boat bum, he writes stories about the people he meets and places he goes—stories that reach deep into the odd corners of the world that often disappear into the margins, and tell of the amazing, often strange, people that inhabit those places.
Learn more at www.edteja.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/ETeja
Linked in: linkedin.com/in/edteja